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Load required libraries

Define working directory

# Define the "data_germany" directory, where you have downloaded all the data,
# as the working directory
wdir <- "my/working/directory/data_germany"

# Create a new folder in the working directory to store all the data

Species data

We first download the occurrence data with coordinates from GBIF

# Once: Download species occurrence data based on the key of the dataset
# and write out to working directory
spdata_all <- occ_download_get(key="0004551-231002084531237",
                              overwrite = TRUE) %>%
fwrite(spdata_all, paste0(wdir, "/data/fish_germany_gbif.csv"),
    row.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t")
# Import and clean the data
spdata <- fread(paste0(wdir, "/data/fish_germany_gbif.csv"), sep = "\t") %>%
  select(gbifID, decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, species, year) %>%
  rename("longitude" = "decimalLongitude",
         "latitude" = "decimalLatitude")
gbifID longitude latitude species year
4058501303 13.2284 52.5709 Abramis brama 2007
4058501307 13.1564 52.4147 Abramis brama 2007
4058460309 13.1861 52.4576 Abramis brama 2007
4058501314 13.1093 52.4079 Abramis brama 2008
4058501316 13.5746 52.5091 Abramis brama 2008
4058460317 13.1177 52.4017 Abramis brama 2008

Let’s visualise the species occurrences on the map

Let’s define the extent (bounding box) of the study area (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

# Define the extent
bbox <- c(min(spdata$longitude), min(spdata$latitude),
          max(spdata$longitude), max(spdata$latitude))
# Define color palette for the different years of record
factpal <- colorFactor(hcl.colors(unique(spdata$year)), spdata$year)

# Create leaflet plot
spdata_plot <- leaflet(spdata) %>%
  addProviderTiles('Esri.WorldShadedRelief') %>%
  setMaxBounds(bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[4]) %>%
  addCircles(lng = ~longitude, lat = ~ latitude, 
             color =  ~factpal(as.factor(year)),
             opacity = 1) %>%
  addLegend(pal = factpal, values = ~as.factor(year),
            title = "Year of record")

Abiotic variables data

1. Hydrography90m

In order to download layers of the Hydrography90m, we need to know the IDs of the 20°x20° tiles in which they are located. We can obtain these IDs using the function get_tile_id(). This function downloads and uses the auxiliary raster file that contains all the regional units globally, and thus requires an active internet connection.

tile_id <- get_tile_id(data = spdata,
                     lon = "longitude", lat = "latitude")

# Get reg unit id to crop all the regular tile layers so that 
# we have uninterrupted basins
reg_unit_id <- get_regional_unit_id(data = spdata,
                                  lon = "longitude", lat = "latitude")
## [1] "h16v02" "h18v00" "h18v02"

Currently the function returns all the tiles of the regional unit where the input points are located. However, some of them may be far from the study area and hence not always needed in further steps. Please double check which tile IDs are relevant for your purpose using the Tile map found here.

In our case, Germany spreads in just one tile, with the ID “h18v02”, so we will keep only this one.

tile_id <- "h18v02"

Then we define the names of the raster and vector layers we want to download.

# Define the raster layers
vars_tif <- c("basin", "sub_catchment", "segment", "accumulation", "direction",
              "outlet_dist_dw_basin", "outlet_dist_dw_scatch",
              "channel_dist_up_seg", "order_strahler")
# Define the vector layers
# The "basin" layer contains the polygons of the drainage basins while the
# "order_vect_segment" layer is the stream network vector file
vars_gpkg <- c("basin", "order_vect_segment")
# Extend timeout to 1000s to allow uninterrupted downloading
options(timeout = 1000)
# Download the .tif tiles of the desired variables
download_tiles(variable = vars_tif, tile_id = tile_id, file_format = "tif",
               download_dir = "data")

# Download the .gpkg tiles of the desired variables
download_tiles(variable = vars_gpkg, tile_id = tile_id, file_format = "gpkg",
               download_dir = "data")

# Download the raster mask of the regional unit
download_tiles(variable = "regional_unit",
               file_format = "tif",
               reg_unit_id = reg_unit_id,
               download_dir = "data")

2. Elevation - MERIT-HYDRO

To download the elevation files of MERIT-HYDRO, we visit to define the tiles that need to be downloaded. We download the zipped tiles into a new directory called elv, unzip the downloaded .tar file and keep only the tiles that we need

elv_dir <- paste0(wdir, "/data/elv") 

3. Climate - CHELSA Bioclim

Finally, we will download three CHELSA present Bioclim variables. For a quick outlook on the bioclimatic variables you can have a look here.

# Create download directory
dir.create(paste0(wdir, "/data/chelsa_bioclim"))
# Extend timeout to 1000s to allow uninterrupted downloading
options(timeout = 1000)

# Download
# Present, 1981-2010
destfile = "data/chelsa_bioclim/bio12_1981-2010.tif", mode = "wb")
destfile = "data/chelsa_bioclim/bio15_1981-2010.tif", mode = "wb")
destfile = "data/chelsa_bioclim/bio1_1981-2010.tif", mode = "wb")

Cropping the raster files

After having downloaded all the layers, we need to crop them to the extent of our study area extended by 500 km, so that our basins are not split in half.

Let’s define the extent (bounding box) of the study area (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

bb <- c(0.256, 20, 45, 55.4325)

We then crop the raster tiles to the extent using the function crop_to_extent() in a loop

for(itile in raster_tiles) {

  crop_to_extent(raster_layer = itile,
                 bounding_box = bb,
                 out_dir = study_area_dir,
                 file_name =  paste0(str_remove(basename(itile), ".tif"),
                 quiet = FALSE,
                 compression = "high",
                 bigtiff = TRUE,
                 read = FALSE)

Filtering the sub-catchment and basin .gpkg files

In case you don’t work on a server, we suggest you to download the output files of this chunk from the following links and then copy them in the folder study_area_dir:

# !! Only run this chunk on a machine with more than 16 GB RAM, 
# as the input files are really big !!

# Load the cropped stream and basin raster layer of the study area.
# The stream raster can be used interchangeably with the sub_catchment raster, 
# because the stream IDs are the same as the sub-catchment IDs. 
# Here we use the stream raster because it's smaller in size. 

stream_layer <- rast(paste0(study_area_dir, "/segment_h18v02_crop.tif"))
basin_layer <- rast(paste0(study_area_dir, "/basin_h18v02_crop.tif"))

# Get all sub-catchment and basin IDs of the study area
subc_ids <- terra::unique(stream_layer)
basin_ids <- terra::unique(basin_layer)

# Get the full path of the stream order segment GeoPackage tile
order_tile <- list.files(wdir, pattern = "order.+_h[v0-8]+.gpkg$",
                         full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
basin_gpkg_tile <- list.files(wdir, pattern = "bas.+_h[v0-8]+.gpkg$",
                              full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)

# Filter the sub-catchment IDs from the GeoPackage of the order_vector_segment
# tiles (sub-catchment ID = stream ID)
# Save the stream segments of the study area
filtered_stream <- read_geopackage(order_tile,
                                 import_as = "sf",
                                 subc_id = subc_ids$segment_h18v02_crop,
                                 name = "stream")

sf::write_sf(filtered_stream, paste(study_area_dir,
                              paste0(str_remove(basename(order_tile), ".gpkg"),
                                         "_crop.gpkg"), sep="/"))

filtered_bas <- read_geopackage(basin_gpkg_tile,
                                 import_as = "sf",
                                 subc_id = basin_ids$basin_h18v02_crop,
                                 name = "ID")

sf::write_sf(filtered_bas, paste(study_area_dir,
                          paste0(str_remove(basename(basin_gpkg_tile), ".gpkg"),
                                         "_crop.gpkg"), sep="/"))

Merging the elevation tiles

# These are the elevation tiles that include our study area
elv_tiles <- c("n45e000_elv.tif", "n50e010_elv.tif", "n60e000_elv.tif",
                "n45e005_elv.tif", "n50e015_elv.tif", "n60e005_elv.tif",
                "n45e010_elv.tif", "n55e000_elv.tif", "n60e010_elv.tif",
                "n45e015_elv.tif", "n55e005_elv.tif", "n60e015_elv.tif",
                "n50e000_elv.tif", "n55e010_elv.tif", "n50e005_elv.tif",

merge_tiles(tile_dir = elv_dir, 
            tile_names = elv_tiles,
            out_dir = study_area_dir, 
            file_name = "elv_study_area.tif",
            compression = "high",
            bigtiff = TRUE,
            quiet = FALSE)

# crop to our extent
crop_to_extent(raster_layer = paste0(study_area_dir, "/elv_study_area.tif"),
               bounding_box = bb,
               out_dir = study_area_dir,
               file_name =  "elv_study_area_crop.tif",
               quiet = FALSE,
               compression = "high", 
               bigtiff = TRUE, 
               read = FALSE)

Finally, we will crop the CHELSA Bioclim layers.

We define the directory containing the layers to be cropped and we list their file names

dir_chelsa <- paste0(wdir, "/data/chelsa_bioclim")
files_chelsa <- list.files(dir_chelsa, pattern = ".tif", full.names = TRUE)
for(ifile in files_chelsa) {
      raster_layer = ifile,
      bounding_box = bb,
      out_dir = study_area_dir,
      file_name = basename(ifile),
      read = FALSE,
      quiet = TRUE)

Extracting sub-catchment IDs

Extract the IDs of the sub-catchments where the points are located. This step is crucial, as many of the functions that we will later use require a vector of sub-catchment IDs as input. Note that the function extract_ids() can be used to extract the values at specific points of any raster file provided to the argument subc_layer. It can be safely used to query very large raster files, as these are not loaded into R.

spdata_ids <- extract_ids(data = spdata,
  id = "gbifID",
  lon = "longitude", lat = "latitude",
  basin_layer = paste0(study_area_dir, "/basin_h18v02_crop.tif"),
  subc_layer = paste0(study_area_dir, "/sub_catchment_h18v02_crop.tif"))
The species data have now their corresponding sub-catchment ids
longitude latitude gbifID subcatchment_id basin_id
13.2284 52.5709 4058501303 507197109 1294020
13.1564 52.4147 4058501307 507313477 1294020
13.1861 52.4576 4058460309 507278293 1294020
13.1093 52.4079 4058501314 507316793 1294020
13.5746 52.5091 4058501316 507243022 1294020
13.1177 52.4017 4058460317 507321279 1294020

Snapping points to the network

Before we can calculate the distance along the stream network between species occurrences, we need to snap the coordinates of the sites to the stream network. Recorded coordinates of point locations usually do not exactly overlap with the digital stream network and, therefore, need to be slightly corrected.

The hydrographr package offers two different snapping functions, snap_to_network and snap_to_subc_segment. The first function uses a defined distance radius and a flow accumulation threshold, while the second function snaps the point to the stream segment of the sub-catchment the point was originally located in.

For this case study we will use the function snap_to_network to be able to define a certain flow accumulation threshold and ensure that the fish occurrences will not be snapped to a headwater stream (first order stream) if there is also a higher order stream next to it.

# Define full paths of raster layers
stream_rast <- paste0(study_area_dir, "/segment_h18v02_crop.tif")
flow_rast <- paste0(study_area_dir, "/accumulation_h18v02_crop.tif")
# We need to shorten the gbifIDs because they are too long for GRASS-GIS
# We will delete the first 2 characters ("40") from all IDs
spdata_ids$gbifID_tmp <- str_replace(spdata_ids$gbifID, "40", "")

The function is implemented in a for-loop that starts searching for streams with a very high flow accumulation of 400,000 km² in a very short distance and then slowly decreases the flow accumulation to 100 km². If there are still sites left which were not snapped to a stream segment, the distance will increase from 10 up to 30 cells.

# Define thresholds for the flow accumulation of the stream segment, where
# the point location should be snapped to
accu_threshold <- c(400000, 300000, 100000, 50000, 10000, 5000, 1000, 500, 100) 
# Define the distance radius
dist_radius <- c(10, 20, 30)

# Create a temporary data.table
point_locations_tmp <- spdata_ids

# Note: The for loop takes about 9 minutes
first <- TRUE
for (idist in dist_radius) {
   # If the distance increases to 20 cells only a flow accumulation of 100 km²
   # will be used
   if (idist == 20) {
    # Set accu_threshold to 100
    accu_threshold <- c(100)

  for (iaccu in accu_threshold) {
    # Snap point locations to the stream network
    point_locations_snapped_tmp <- snap_to_network(data = point_locations_tmp,
                                    id = "gbifID",
                                    lon = "longitude", lat = "latitude",
                                    stream_layer = stream_rast,
                                    accu_layer = flow_rast,
                                    method = "accumulation",
                                    distance = idist,
                                    accumulation = iaccu,
                                    quiet = FALSE)

    # Keep point location with NAs for the next loop
    point_locations_tmp <- point_locations_snapped_tmp %>% 
  if (first == TRUE) {
    # Keep the point locations with the new coordinates and remove rows with NA
    point_locations_snapped <- point_locations_snapped_tmp %>% 
    first <- FALSE
  } else {
    # Bind the new data.frame to the data.frame of the loop before
    # and remove the NA
    point_locations_snapped <- point_locations_snapped %>% 
      bind_rows(point_locations_snapped_tmp) %>% 

We can write out the result of the snapping

fwrite(point_locations_snapped, paste0(wdir, "/data/spdata_snapped.csv"), sep = ",", 
                      row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
The species data have been attributed new coordinates and in some cases a new sub-catchment id (“subc_id_snap_accu”)
gbifID longitude latitude lon_snap_accu lat_snap_accu subc_id_snap_accu
58452301 10.1725 53.8729 10.172083 53.87292 506457237
58452302 10.2972 53.6788 10.297083 53.67875 506528521
58452303 9.4411 54.0136 9.441250 54.01375 506407992
58452304 9.5619 54.0996 9.562083 54.09958 506383004
58452305 10.6518 53.6034 10.652083 53.60375 506562036
58452306 9.9609 53.8553 9.961250 53.85542 506463635

Calculating distances between points

We will calculate the distance between all point locations. The following chunks are computationally heavy, so we suggest to run them on a server.

# Load as graph
stream_graph <- read_geopackage(
  gpkg = paste0(study_area_dir, "/order_vect_segment_h18v02_crop.gpkg"),
  import_as = "graph")

# Get the network distance (in meters) between all input pairs.
# We provide the subcatchment ids of the snapped points to the argument "subc_id"
subc_distances <- get_distance_graph(stream_graph,
                            subc_id = point_locations_snapped$subc_id_snap_accu,
                            variable = "length",
                            distance_m = TRUE)
from to distance
506457237 506528521 167973.69
506457237 506407992 92908.34
506528521 506407992 111478.74
506457237 506383004 161571.37
506528521 506383004 136308.05
506407992 506383004 105076.42

Obtaining network centrality indices

We will now calculate centrality indices using the directed stream network graph and the function get_centrality We want to consider only the upstream connected segments, so we set mode = "in".

The following chunks are computationally heavy, so we suggest to run them on a server.

centrality <- get_centrality(stream_graph, index = "all", mode = "in")

We can reclassify the stream segment and sub-catchment raster layers based on the centrality value of each stream, using the function reclass_raster. Essentially, we will create two new raster files, in which each stream pixel will have a centrality value, instead of the unique ID of the stream or sub-catchment.

# This data.frame includes some NAs in some of the columns, because some centrality metrics by default cannot be defined for some the subcatchments. We have to discard subcatchments with NAs before reclassifying.
centrality <- drop_na(centrality)

# Then we convert the values in the centrality data.frame into integers
centrality <- centrality %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, as.integer)

reclass_raster(data = centrality, 
                            rast_val = "subc_id", 
                            new_val = "betweeness", 
                            raster_layer = paste0(study_area_dir, "/segment_h18v02_crop.tif"), 
                            recl_layer = paste0(study_area_dir,"/segment_h18v02_betweeness_all.tif"), 
                            read = F)

reclass_raster(data = centrality, 
               rast_val = "subc_id", 
               new_val = "degree", 
               raster_layer = paste0(study_area_dir, "/sub_catchment_h18v02_crop.tif"),
               recl_layer = paste0(study_area_dir,"/sub_catchment_h18v02_degree_all.tif"), 
               read = F)

reclass_raster(data = centrality, 
               rast_val = "subc_id", 
               new_val = "betweeness", 
               raster_layer = paste0(study_area_dir, "/sub_catchment_h18v02_crop.tif"),
               recl_layer = paste0(study_area_dir,"/sub_catchment_h18v02_betweeness_all.tif"), 
               read = F)

reclass_raster(data = centrality, rast_val = "subc_id", 
               new_val = "farness", 
               raster_layer = paste0(study_area_dir, "/sub_catchment_h18v02_crop.tif"),
               recl_layer = paste0(study_area_dir,"/sub_catchment_h18v02_farness_all.tif"), 
               read = F)

reclass_raster(data = centrality, 
               rast_val = "subc_id", 
               new_val = "eccentricity", 
               raster_layer = paste0(study_area_dir, "/sub_catchment_h18v02_crop.tif"),
               recl_layer = paste0(study_area_dir,"/sub_catchment_h18v02_eccentricity_all.tif"), 
               read = F)

Here’s what the new segment and sub-catchment layers look like on QGIS. Yellow sub-catchments have the highest values, whereas dark blue have the lowest values for the different metrics.

The node betweenness is (roughly) defined by the number of geodesics (shortest paths) going through a node:

The degree of a node is the number of its adjacent edges:

Farness centrality is the sum of the length of the shortest paths between the node and all other nodes. It is the reciprocal of closeness (Altermatt, 2013):

The eccentricity of a node is its shortest path distance from the farthest other node in the graph (West, 1996):eccentricity

We can add the centrality metrics’ values to the table of our points, using the sub-catchment id:

point_locations_snapped <- left_join(point_locations_snapped, centrality, 
                          by = c('subc_id_snap_accu'= 'subc_id'))
subc_id degree closeness farness betweeness eccentricity
506226492 2 4.8e-06 210084 175492 163
506226723 2 3.8e-06 263544 125205 185
506226977 2 1.4e-06 716085 167992 214
506227065 2 3.6e-06 279270 114210 191
506227782 2 6.1e-06 164017 201756 144
506227869 2 7.5e-06 133336 168399 137

Bonus! If we want to include the centrality indices to the stream network .gpkg, we can import the .gpkg and merge it with the centrality table

# Load stream network .gpkg as vector
stream_vect <- read_geopackage(paste0(study_area_dir, "/order_vect_segment_h18v02_crop.gpkg"),
                               import_as = "SpatVect")

# Merge the centrality table with the vector
stream_vect <- terra::merge(stream_vect, spdata_centr, 
                        by.x = c('stream'), by.y="subc_id")

# Write out the stream gpkg including the centrality indices
writeVector(stream_vect, paste0(study_area_dir, "/order_vect_segment_centr.gpkg"))

Extracting zonal statistics of topographic variables

We will calculate the zonal statistics of the Hydrography90m, MERIT-HYDRO DEM and the CHELSA Bioclim variables for the sub-catchments of our species points. Caution, don’t increase the number of cores to more than 3 as this can cause memory problems. However, this highly depends to the number of sub-catchments as well. We recommend to test the function with different parameters to find out what works best for your case.

Let’s first define the input var_layers for the extract_zonal_stat function

var_layers <- c("bio1_1981-2010.tif", "bio12_1981-2010.tif",
                "bio15_1981-2010.tif", "elv_study_area_crop.tif",

A good practice before aggregating the variables is to check their NoData values:

report_no_data(data_dir = study_area_dir, var_layer = var_layers)
#                                 Raster                  NoData
# 1                   bio1_1981-2010.tif                  -99999
# 2                  bio15_1981-2010.tif 3.40282346600000016e+38
# 3 outlet_dist_dw_basin_h18v02_crop.tif                   -9999
# 4                  bio12_1981-2010.tif                  -99999
# 5              elv_study_area_crop.tif                   -9999
# Run the function that returns the zonal statistics.
# We provide the subcatchment ids of the fish points to the argument 'subc_id'.
stats_table_zon <- extract_zonal_stat(
                    data_dir = study_area_dir,
                    subc_layer = paste0(study_area_dir, "/sub_catchment_h18v02_crop.tif"),
                    subc_id = point_locations_snapped$subc_id_snap_accu,
                    var_layer = var_layers,
                    out_dir = paste0(wdir, "/data"),
                    file_name = "zonal_stats.csv",
                    n_cores = 3)

The function also reports the NoData values that are used in the calculation of the zonal statistics of each variable.

We will keep only the mean and sd of each variable of the stats_table:

stats_table_zon <- stats_table_zon %>%
  dplyr::select(contains("subc") |  ends_with("_mean") | ends_with("_sd")) %>%
  rename('subcatchment_id' = 'subc_id')

The values in some of the original raster files were scaled, so we need to re-scale them before proceeding to any analyses.

We define the following functions:

clim_scale <- function(x, na.rm = F) (x * 0.1)
offset <- function(x, na.rm = F) (x - 273.15)

… and apply them to rescale the values

stats_table_zon <- stats_table_zon  %>%
  mutate(across(starts_with("bio"), clim_scale))  %>%
  mutate(across(matches("bio1_.*_mean"), offset))
subcatchment_id bio1_1981.2010_mean bio12_1981.2010_mean bio15_1981.2010_mean elv_study_area_crop_mean outlet_dist_dw_basin_h18v02_crop_mean bio1_1981.2010_sd bio12_1981.2010_sd bio15_1981.2010_sd elv_study_area_crop_sd outlet_dist_dw_basin_h18v02_crop_sd
506226492 8.750000 867.0000 24.50000 2.518750 32103.56 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6540439 89.4399
506226723 8.850000 862.5000 25.00000 1.404762 23899.57 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3062464 112.3611
506226977 8.950000 835.8753 26.32118 1.556471 10280.49 0.0000000 0.8442060 0.0533449 0.5845958 347.6842
506227065 8.850000 859.7644 25.10000 1.667797 22184.93 0.0000000 0.0970108 0.0000000 0.5881429 258.6820
506227782 8.716667 877.9917 23.80000 5.733333 39542.25 0.0471405 0.9286714 0.0000000 0.3933475 123.1798
506227869 8.650000 882.0288 23.51364 7.521212 42551.11 0.0000000 0.8227384 0.0343174 0.5040789 292.2345

Putting together the final table

We will now perform some left joins to match the zonal statistics table with the original species data.

data_fin <- left_join(point_locations_snapped, stats_table_zon, 
          by = c('subc_id_snap_accu'= 'subcatchment_id'))

data_fin$gbifID <- as.character(data_fin$gbifID)
data_fin <- left_join(spdata_ids, data_fin)

# Convert the gbifIDs back to the original values
data_fin$gbifID <- str_c("40", data_fin$gbifID)
spdata$gbifID <- as.character(spdata$gbifID)

data_fin <- left_join(spdata, data_fin)
gbifID longitude latitude species year subcatchment_id basin_id lon_snap_accu lat_snap_accu subc_id_snap_accu degree closeness farness betweeness eccentricity bio1_1981.2010_mean bio12_1981.2010_mean bio15_1981.2010_mean elv_study_area_crop_mean outlet_dist_dw_basin_h18v02_crop_mean bio1_1981.2010_sd bio12_1981.2010_sd bio15_1981.2010_sd elv_study_area_crop_sd outlet_dist_dw_basin_h18v02_crop_sd
4058501303 13.2284 52.5709 Abramis brama 2007 507197109 1294020 13.22708 52.57042 507197712 2 3.00e-07 3090581 16724066 393 9.450000 593.5000 17.80000 31.04762 440220.7 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.377236 151.5696
4058501307 13.1564 52.4147 Abramis brama 2007 507313477 1294020 13.15625 52.41459 507313477 3 2.39e-05 41919 953343 88 9.509091 589.5500 18.60000 35.73636 427865.0 0.0491666 0.3460820 0.0000000 3.234690 134.7493
4058460309 13.1861 52.4576 Abramis brama 2007 507278293 1294020 13.18125 52.46292 507275834 2 0.00e+00 51830114 105429462 1303 9.547436 586.2846 18.30000 30.78718 426400.9 0.0158062 0.0975034 0.0000000 2.339974 186.9974
4058501314 13.1093 52.4079 Abramis brama 2008 507316793 1294020 13.10958 52.40792 507316793 2 5.00e-01 2 2310 1 9.434524 580.8988 18.60000 47.73333 433626.8 0.0607376 1.7258189 0.0000000 12.098773 218.8741
4058501316 13.5746 52.5091 Abramis brama 2008 507243022 1294020 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4058460317 13.1177 52.4017 Abramis brama 2008 507321279 1294020 13.11792 52.40208 507321279 2 2.50e-02 40 14989 5 9.477434 579.6389 18.60089 46.03982 432292.3 0.0446179 1.7279807 0.0093655 14.462301 349.9969


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