Snap points to stream segment based on distance or flow accumulation
Snap points to the next stream segment within a defined radius (in map pixels) or a minimum flow accumulation.
accu_layer = NULL,
method = "distance",
distance = 500,
accumulation = 0.5,
quiet = TRUE
- data
a data.frame or data.table that contains the columns regarding the longitude / latitude coordinates in WGS84.
- lon
character. The name of the column with the longitude coordinates.
- lat
character. The name of the column with the latitude coordinates.
- id
character. The name of a column containing unique IDs for each row of "data" (e.g., occurrence or site IDs). The unique IDs need to be numeric and less than 10 characters long.
- stream_layer
character. Full path of the stream network .tif file
- accu_layer
character. Full path of the flow accumulation .tif file. Needed if the point should be snapped to the next stream segment having an accumulation value higher than the flow accumulation threshold (set by 'accumulation'). This prevents points from being snapped to small stream tributaries. Optional. Default is NULL.
- method
character. One of "distance", "accumulation", or "both". Defines if the points are snapped using the distance or flow accumulation (see "Details" for more information). If method is set to "both" the output will contain the new coordinates for both calculations. Default is "distance" (in map pixels).
- distance
numeric. Maximum radius in map pixels. The points will be snapped to the next stream within this radius. Default is 500.
- accumulation
numeric. Minimum flow accumulation. Points will be snapped to the next stream with a flow accumulation equal or higher than the given value. Default is 0.5.
- quiet
logical. If FALSE, the standard output will be printed. Default is TRUE.
Returns a data.frame with the snapped coordinates and the sub-catchment ID of the snapped stream segment. If the sub-catchment ID is NA, no stream segment was found within the given distance (method = "distance") or no stream segment wad found within the given distance and a flow accumulation equal or higher than the given threshold (method = "accumulation"). "out-bbox" means that the provided coordinates are not within the extend (bounding box) of the provided stream network layer.
The function makes use of the function available in GRASS GIS to simultaneously snap a number of points to the stream network. A distance threshold can be specified and points will be snapped to any stream segment within this distance radius (in map pixels). However, to avoid snapping to small tributaries, an accumulation threshold can be used and the snapping occurs on stream segment with equal or higher accumulation threshold and within the given distance radius.
# Download test data into the temporary R folder
# or define a different directory
my_directory <- tempdir()
# Load occurrence data
species_occurrence <- read.table(paste0(my_directory,
header = TRUE)
# Define full path to stream network and flow accumulation
stream_raster <- paste0(my_directory,
flow_raster <- paste0(my_directory,
# To calculate the new (snapped) coordinates for a radius and a flow
snapped_coordinates <- snap_to_network(data = species_occurrence,
lon = "longitude",
lat = "latitude",
id = "occurrence_id",
stream_layer = stream_raster,
accu_layer = flow_raster,
method = "both",
distance = 300,
accumulation = 0.8)
# Show head of output table