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The package does not yet fully support the GRASS GIS functionality.

Installation of the required GIS tools

If you do not have installed any of the GIS tools, please, install before using hydrographr.

Warning! Sometimes the installation does not work within a VPN connection. If you fail to fetch data from online repositories during the installation, please try deactivating your VPN connection.


GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats and comes with a variety of useful command line utilities for data translation and processing. For more information check the GDAL website. To install GDAL, you should follow this installation guide


GRASS GIS is a powerful raster, vector, and geospatial processing engine including tools for terrain and ecosystem modeling, hydrology and the processing of satellite and aerial imagery. For more detailed installation instructions check the GRASS GIS users wiki or the GRASS GIS website. Please, make sure that you have grass8.2 installed.

First, you need to download the latest stable release of GRASS GIS from the GRASS repository. Afterwards: 1. Download and unzip the *.dmg installation package 2. Drag the GRASS app to your /Applications folder (it will not work properly in any other folder)

IMPORTANT: INSTALLATION LOCATION These new fully bundled binaries MUST be installed and run from the /Applications folder. They will not run from another folder or even a subfolder of /Applications. This has to do with the build environment.

GNU parallel

GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel on multiple cores. For a faster processing, some of the hydrographr functions such as snap_to_subc_segment() and extract_zonal_stat() have GNU parallel implemented. For more information check the GNU parallel website.

Copy and paste the commands below into your console:

brew install parallel

parallel --citation

#> Academic tradition requires you to cite works you base your article on.
#> If you use programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for an article in a
#> scientific publication, please cite:
#> @software{tange_2022_7347980,
#>       author       = {Tange, Ole},
#>       title        = {GNU Parallel 20221122 ('Херсо́н')},
#>       month        = Nov,
#>       year         = 2022,
#>       note         = {{GNU Parallel is a general parallelizer to run
#>                        multiple serial command line programs in parallel
#>                        without changing them.}},
#>       publisher    = {Zenodo},
#>       doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.7347980},
#>       url          = {}
#> }

#> (Feel free to use \nocite{tange_2022_7347980})

#> This helps funding further development; AND IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT.
#> If you pay 10000 EUR you should feel free to use GNU Parallel without citing.

#> More about funding GNU Parallel and the citation notice:

#> If you send a copy of your published article to, it will be
#> mentioned in the release notes of next version of GNU Parallel.
#> Type: 'will cite' and press enter.

will cite

#> Thank you for your support: You are the reason why there is funding to
#> continue maintaining GNU Parallel. On behalf of future versions of
#> GNU Parallel, which would not exist without your support:


#> It is really appreciated. The citation notice is now silenced.

Now type ctrl+z to exit the GNU parallel environment.

GNU bc

GNU bc (Basic Calculator) is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language, which is used in the function snap_to_subc_segment(). For more information check the GNU bc website.

# Install bc
brew install bc

We recommend to reboot your computer after the installation.