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The following example showcases the functionality of the hydrographr package along a species distribution modelling (SDM) workflow. We will use an SDM to predict the suitable habitats of a dragonfly species in Cuba. We will start by defining the regular tiles of the Hydrography90m (Amatulli et al., 2022) where the occurrence points of the species are located. Afterwards we will download the Hydrography90m and CHELSA Bioclim (Karger & Zimmermann, 2019) layers of the predictor variables, crop them and merge them, if necessary. Then, we will aggregate the variable values within each sub-catchment of the study area, keeping as predictors their mean and SD per sub-catchment. Using the random forest (RF) algorithm, we will build a simple SDM and predict where the species could potentially occur. Finally, we will reclassify the layer of all the sub-catchments in the study area, creating a habitat suitability map.

Hypolestes trinitatis is a damselfly species endemic to Cuba. The species inhabits rivers and streams located in forest areas at the main mountain ranges of eastern and central Cuba. The presence of riparian forests as well as clean and well oxygenated water seems to be important ecological conditions required by H. trinitatis. Larvae can be found clinging to boulders and cobbles in the river bed at fast-flowing water stream segments and pre-reproductive adults of both sexes and sexually mature females remain most of the time in the vegetation of the riparian forest where they find shelter and prey.

Let’s get started!

Load required libraries

Define working directory

# Define the "data_cuba" directory, where you have downloaded all the data,
# as the working directory
wdir <- "my/working/directory/data_cuba"

# Create a new folder in the working directory to store all the data

Species data

We will start by downloading a dataset including aquatic insect occurrence records in Cuba from (Cambas & Salina, 2022).

              destfile = paste0(wdir, "/data/spdata_cuba.csv"), mode = "wb")

Import the dataset and select the occurrences of the species of interest, sampled after the year 1980 (to match with the climate data)

spdata <- fread(paste0(wdir, "/data/spdata_cuba.csv"), sep = "\t", fill = TRUE) %>%
          filter(species == "Hypolestes_trinitatis") %>%
          filter(year > 1980)

Subset columns

spdata <- spdata %>%
  dplyr::select(c("occurrence_ID", "species", "longitude", "latitude", "year"))
occurrence_ID species longitude latitude year
107705340 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.73 20.01 2006
107705519 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.37 20.40 2003
107705533 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.78 20.50 1998
107705535 Hypolestes_trinitatis -77.03 20.20 1998
107705546 Hypolestes_trinitatis -74.81 20.44 2008
107705657 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.76 20.09 2012
107705727 Hypolestes_trinitatis -80.06 21.96 2015
107705733 Hypolestes_trinitatis -76.04 20.03 2011
107705744 Hypolestes_trinitatis -74.71 20.44 2004
107705863 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.76 20.09 2004
107706093 Hypolestes_trinitatis -76.77 20.00 1996
107706107 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.44 20.58 2001
107706146 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.34 20.53 2001
107706216 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.44 20.58 2001
107706217 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.53 20.54 2001
107706218 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.53 20.54 2001
107706240 Hypolestes_trinitatis -76.31 20.21 2003
107706332 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.77 20.41 2001
107706355 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.66 20.61 2001
107706359 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.66 20.46 2001
107706363 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.74 20.58 2000
107706366 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.65 20.60 2001
107706369 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.64 20.65 2000
107706370 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.69 20.60 1999
107706375 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.71 20.44 2000
107706378 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.77 20.45 1999
107706384 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.65 20.60 2001
107706385 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.65 20.60 2001
107706386 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.66 20.46 2000
107706387 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.66 20.46 2001
107706388 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.77 20.45 1999
107706420 Hypolestes_trinitatis -76.11 20.07 2005
107706436 Hypolestes_trinitatis -74.84 20.43 1998
107706561 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.37 20.40 2004
107706589 Hypolestes_trinitatis -77.04 20.09 1998
107706709 Hypolestes_trinitatis -74.99 20.48 2003
107706715 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.39 20.57 2004
107706720 Hypolestes_trinitatis -76.66 20.04 2004
107706807 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.06 20.46 2003
107706909 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.70 19.96 2001
107706916 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.75 20.05 1996
107706937 Hypolestes_trinitatis -74.91 20.39 2003
107706938 Hypolestes_trinitatis -75.13 20.52 2003

Let’s visualise the species occurrences on the map

# Convert species data to a spatial vector object to plot the points
spdata_vect <- vect(spdata, geom=c("longitude", "latitude"))

Let’s define the extent (bounding box) of the study area (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

bbox <- c(-84.9749110583, 19.8554808619, -74.1780248685, 23.1886107447)
m <- leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles('Esri.WorldShadedRelief') %>%
  setMaxBounds(bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[4]) %>%
  addCircles(data = spdata_vect, color = "purple") # data = spdata


Download files

In order to download layers of the Hydrography90m, we need to know the IDs of the 20°x20° tiles in which they are located. We can obtain these IDs using the function get_tile_id(). This function downloads and uses the auxiliary raster file that contains all the regional units globally, and thus requires an active internet connection.

tile_id <- get_tile_id(data = spdata, lon = "longitude", lat = "latitude")
## [1] "h08v06" "h10v04" "h10v06"

Currently the function returns all the tiles of the regional unit where the input points are located. However, some of them may be far from the study area and hence not always needed in further steps. Please double check which tile IDs are relevant for your purpose using the Tile map found here.

In our case, Cuba spreads across two tiles, which hold the IDs “h08v06” and “h10v06”, so we will keep only these two.

tile_id <- tile_id[c(1,3)]

Let’s define the Hydrography90m variables that we would like to download. We will use the variables slope_curv_max_dw_cel (maximum curvature between the highest upstream, focal and downstream cell) and spi (Stream Power Index) and stream length as predictors in our model.

Additionally, we will download the sub_catchment layer, which is the necessary base-layer for the workflow.

A list of all available Hydrography90m variables, as well as details and visualisations are available here.

# Variables in raster format
vars_tif <- c("sub_catchment", "slope_curv_max_dw_cel", "spi")
# Variables in vector format. This layerholds the information on stream length
vars_gpkg <- c("order_vect_point")
# Download the .tif tiles of the desired variables
download_tiles(variable = vars_tif, tile_id = tile_id, file_format = "tif",
              download_dir = "data")

# Download the .gpkg tiles of the desired variables
download_tiles(variable = vars_gpkg, tile_id = tile_id, file_format = "gpkg",
              download_dir = "data")

Then download the CHELSA present and future Bioclim variables

For a quick outlook on the bioclimatic variables you can have a look here.

# Create download directory
dir.create(paste0(wdir, "/data/chelsa_bioclim"))
# Extend timeout to 1000s to allow uninterrupted downloading
options(timeout = 1000)

# Download
# Present, 1981-2010
destfile = "data/chelsa_bioclim/bio12_1981-2010.tif", mode = "wb")
destfile = "data/chelsa_bioclim/bio15_1981-2010.tif", mode = "wb")
destfile = "data/chelsa_bioclim/bio1_1981-2010.tif", mode = "wb")
# Future, 2041-2070
destfile = "data/chelsa_bioclim/bio12_IPSL-CM6A-LR_ssp370_2041-2070.tif", mode = "wb")
destfile = "data/chelsa_bioclim/bio15_IPSL-CM6A-LR_ssp370_2041-2070.tif", mode = "wb")
destfile = "data/chelsa_bioclim/bio1_IPSL-CM6A-LR_ssp370_2041-2070.tif", mode = "wb")


After having downloaded all the layers, we need to crop them to the extent of our study area. This is straightforward in the case of the global CHELSA layers:

We define the directory containing the layers to be cropped

dirs_chelsa <- paste0(wdir, "/data/chelsa_bioclim")

… and the final output directory

# Define output directory for merged files
layer_dir <- paste0(wdir, "/data/final_layers")
# Create the directory

We then crop the files using the function crop_to_extent() in a loop

files_chelsa <- list.files(dirs_chelsa, pattern = ".tif", full.names = TRUE)

for(ifile in files_chelsa) {
      raster_layer = ifile,
      bounding_box = bbox,
      out_dir = layer_dir,
      file_name = basename(ifile),
      read = FALSE,
      quiet = TRUE)

However, the hydrographic variable slope_curv_max_dw_cel (the maximum curvature between the highest upstream, the focal, and the downstream cell) is split across two tiles. We highly recommend to first crop the tiles to the extent of the study area to limit their size, and afterwards merge them into one file.

Again, we will first define the input directories, but this time we will store the cropped files in the same directory as the input files, as there is an extra step before reaching to the final output.

dirs_h90m <- list.dirs(paste0(wdir, "/data"),
                       recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)

dirs_h90m <- dirs_h90m[grep("tiles20d", dirs_h90m)]
for(idir in dirs_h90m) {
  # only choose rasters
  tiles <- list.files(idir, pattern = ".tif$", full.names = TRUE)
  for(itile in tiles) {
        raster_layer = itile,
        bounding_box = bbox,
        out_dir = idir,
        file_name = paste0(str_remove(basename(itile), ".tif"), "_crop.tif"),
        read = FALSE,
        quiet = TRUE)


The cropped tiles of the variable now need to be merged together.

# This can be done sequentially:
idir <- dirs_h90m[1]
merge_tiles(tile_dir = idir,
            tile_names = list.files(idir, full.names = FALSE,
                                    pattern = "_crop.tif"),
            out_dir = layer_dir,
            file_name = "spi.tif",
            read = FALSE)

idir <- dirs_h90m[3]
merge_tiles(tile_dir = idir,
            tile_names = list.files(idir, full.names = FALSE,
                                    pattern = "_crop.tif"),
            out_dir = layer_dir,
            file_name = "slope_curv_max_dw_cel.tif",
            read = FALSE)

idir <- dirs_h90m[4]
merge_tiles(tile_dir = idir,
            tile_names = list.files(idir, full.names = FALSE,
                                    pattern = "_crop.tif"),
            out_dir = layer_dir,
            file_name = "sub_catchment.tif",
            read = FALSE)

# ...or in a loop
for(idir in dirs_h90m[c(1,3,4)]) {
  # Get input file extension
  file_extension <- file_ext(list.files(idir, full.names = FALSE)[1])

  # Assign file extension to output files
  ivar_name <- paste0(
    str_remove(basename(idir), "_tiles20d"), ".", file_extension

  # Run the function
  merge_tiles(tile_dir = idir,
              tile_names = list.files(idir, full.names = FALSE,
                                      pattern = "_crop.tif"),
              out_dir = layer_dir,
              file_name = ivar_name,
              read = FALSE, 
              bigtiff = TRUE)

Extraction of sub-catchment IDs

Extract the IDs of the sub-catchments where the points are located. This step is crucial, as many of the functions that we will later use require a vector of sub-catchment IDs as input. Note that the function extract_ids() can be used to extract the values at specific points of any raster file provided to the argument subc_layer. It can be safely used to query very large raster files, as these are not loaded into R.

spdata_ids <- extract_ids(data = spdata, lon = "longitude", lat = "latitude",
                          id = "occurrence_ID", quiet = FALSE,
                          subc_layer = paste0(layer_dir, "/sub_catchment.tif"))
The species data have now their corresponding sub-catchment ids
longitude latitude occurrence_ID subcatchment_id
-75.73 20.01 107705340 422886180
-75.37 20.40 107705519 422816272
-75.78 20.50 107705533 422801107
-77.03 20.20 107705535 422851157
-74.81 20.44 107705546 422809465
-75.76 20.09 107705657 422872031

Aggregation of environmental layers

We will calculate the zonal statistics of the Hydrography90m and the CHELSA Bioclim variables for all the sub-catchments of the study area. Caution, don’t increase the number of cores to more than 3 as this can cause memory problems. However, this highly depends to the number of sub-catchments as well. We recommend to test the function with different parameters to find out what works best for your case.

# Define input var_layers for the extract_zonal_stat() function
var_layers <- list.files(layer_dir)[-9]
# var_layers <- list.files(layer_dir)[c(3,5,7)]
## [1] "bio1_1981-2010.tif"                     
## [2] "bio1_IPSL-CM6A-LR_ssp370_2041-2070.tif"
## [3] "bio12_1981-2010.tif"                    
## [4] "bio12_IPSL-CM6A-LR_ssp370_2041-2070.tif"
## [5] "bio15_1981-2010.tif"                    
## [6] "bio15_IPSL-CM6A-LR_ssp370_2041-2070.tif"
## [7] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel.tif"              
## [8] "spi.tif"

A good practice before aggregating the variables is to check their NoData values:

report_no_data(data_dir = layer_dir, var_layer = var_layers)
##                                    Raster   NoData
## 1                     bio15_1981-2010.tif        0
## 2                      bio1_1981-2010.tif        0
## 3  bio1_IPSL-CM6A-LR_ssp370_2041-2070.tif        0
## 4                     bio12_1981-2010.tif        0
## 5 bio12_IPSL-CM6A-LR_ssp370_2041-2070.tif        0
## 6 bio15_IPSL-CM6A-LR_ssp370_2041-2070.tif        0
## 7               slope_curv_max_dw_cel.tif -9999999
## 8                                 spi.tif -9999999
# Run the function that returns the zonal statistics
stats_table_zon <- extract_zonal_stat(
                    data_dir = layer_dir,
                    subc_layer = paste0(layer_dir, "/sub_catchment.tif"),
                    subc_id = "all",
                    var_layer = var_layers,
                    out_dir = paste0(wdir, "/data"),
                    file_name = "zonal_stats.csv",
                    n_cores = 2)

The function also reports the NoData values that are used in the calculation of the zonal statistics of each variable.

# Read the previously created file
stats_table_zon <- fread(paste0(wdir, "/data/zonal_stats.csv"))

Let’s inspect the resulting table

subc_id bio1_1981.2010_data_cells bio1_1981.2010_nodata_cells bio1_1981.2010_min bio1_1981.2010_max bio1_1981.2010_range bio1_1981.2010_mean bio1_1981.2010_mean_abs bio1_1981.2010_sd bio1_1981.2010_var bio1_1981.2010_cv bio1_1981.2010_sum bio1_1981.2010_sum_abs bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_data_cells bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_nodata_cells bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_min bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_max bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_range bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean_abs bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_var bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_cv bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum_abs bio12_1981.2010_data_cells bio12_1981.2010_nodata_cells bio12_1981.2010_min bio12_1981.2010_max bio12_1981.2010_range bio12_1981.2010_mean bio12_1981.2010_mean_abs bio12_1981.2010_sd bio12_1981.2010_var bio12_1981.2010_cv bio12_1981.2010_sum bio12_1981.2010_sum_abs bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_data_cells bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_nodata_cells bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_min bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_max bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_range bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean_abs bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_var bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_cv bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum_abs bio15_1981.2010_data_cells bio15_1981.2010_nodata_cells bio15_1981.2010_min bio15_1981.2010_max bio15_1981.2010_range bio15_1981.2010_mean bio15_1981.2010_mean_abs bio15_1981.2010_sd bio15_1981.2010_var bio15_1981.2010_cv bio15_1981.2010_sum bio15_1981.2010_sum_abs bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_data_cells bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_nodata_cells bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_min bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_max bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_range bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean_abs bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_var bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_cv bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum_abs slope_curv_max_dw_cel_data_cells slope_curv_max_dw_cel_nodata_cells slope_curv_max_dw_cel_min slope_curv_max_dw_cel_max slope_curv_max_dw_cel_range slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean_abs slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sd slope_curv_max_dw_cel_var slope_curv_max_dw_cel_cv slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sum slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sum_abs spi_data_cells spi_nodata_cells spi_min spi_max spi_range spi_mean spi_mean_abs spi_sd spi_var spi_cv spi_sum spi_sum_abs
399592461 355 0 2986 2986 0 2986 2986 0 0 0 1060030 1060030 355 0 3005 3005 0 3005 3005 0 0 0 1066775 1066775 355 0 11031 11084 53 11050.04 11050.04 17.799709 316.82964 0.1610828 3922763 3922763 355 0 10532 10575 43 10546.23 10546.23 13.81320 190.80449 0.1309776 3743913 3743913 355 0 414 416 2 414.7380 414.7380 0.9650755 0.9313708 0.2326952 147232 147232 355 0 373 375 2 374.0225 374.0225 0.6230767 0.3882246 0.1665880 132778 132778 354 1 -54884 30865 85749 -2472.034 5752.051 12038.554 144926775 -486.9898 -875100 2036226 354 1 0 44 44 6.655367 6.655367 9.411190 88.570494 141.40752 2356 2356
399592865 82 0 2986 2986 0 2986 2986 0 0 0 244852 244852 82 0 3005 3005 0 3005 3005 0 0 0 246410 246410 82 0 11042 11084 42 11049.17 11049.17 9.880758 97.62939 0.0894253 906032 906032 82 0 10540 10575 35 10545.72 10545.72 8.19023 67.07986 0.0776640 864749 864749 82 0 414 416 2 414.1220 414.1220 0.4785711 0.2290303 0.1155629 33958 33958 82 0 373 374 1 373.0610 373.0610 0.2392856 0.0572576 0.0641411 30591 30591 81 1 -40084 18444 58528 -3907.630 7527.259 12947.641 167641415 -331.3426 -316518 609708 81 1 0 70 70 8.925926 8.925926 13.105251 171.747600 146.82231 723 723
399593700 148 0 2986 2986 0 2986 2986 0 0 0 441928 441928 148 0 3005 3005 0 3005 3005 0 0 0 444740 444740 148 0 11008 11054 46 11019.70 11019.70 14.048015 197.34674 0.1274810 1630915 1630915 148 0 10510 10548 38 10520.42 10520.42 11.55306 133.47316 0.1098156 1557022 1557022 148 0 414 416 2 414.5811 414.5811 0.8055006 0.6488313 0.1942927 61358 61358 148 0 375 376 1 375.1757 375.1757 0.3805440 0.1448137 0.1014309 55526 55526 148 0 -28093 14059 42152 -1160.236 3082.331 7115.013 50623405 -613.2381 -171715 456185 148 0 0 12 12 2.439189 2.439189 2.916000 8.503059 119.54794 361 361
399593701 7 0 2986 2986 0 2986 2986 0 0 0 20902 20902 7 0 3005 3005 0 3005 3005 0 0 0 21035 21035 7 0 10987 10987 0 10987.00 10987.00 0.000000 0.00000 0.0000000 76909 76909 7 0 10490 10490 0 10490.00 10490.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000000 73430 73430 7 0 415 415 0 415.0000 415.0000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2905 2905 7 0 376 376 0 376.0000 376.0000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2632 2632 7 0 -8035 5997 14032 -2046.286 3874.571 4235.546 17939850 -206.9870 -14324 27122 7 0 0 10 10 2.142857 2.142857 3.481731 12.122449 162.48077 15 15
399593817 162 0 2986 2986 0 2986 2986 0 0 0 483732 483732 162 0 3005 3005 0 3005 3005 0 0 0 486810 486810 162 0 10993 11042 49 11009.02 11009.02 14.746614 217.46262 0.1339503 1783461 1783461 162 0 10496 10537 41 10509.90 10509.90 12.24907 150.03963 0.1165479 1702604 1702604 162 0 414 416 2 414.7654 414.7654 0.7161558 0.5128791 0.1726653 67192 67192 162 0 375 376 1 375.2160 375.2160 0.4115484 0.1693720 0.1096830 60785 60785 162 0 -38488 19276 57764 -2234.920 5134.846 9093.644 82694353 -406.8890 -362057 831845 162 0 0 19 19 2.660494 2.660494 3.961487 15.693378 148.90043 431 431
399593818 5 0 2986 2986 0 2986 2986 0 0 0 14930 14930 5 0 3005 3005 0 3005 3005 0 0 0 15025 15025 5 0 10975 10987 12 10977.40 10977.40 4.800000 23.04000 0.0437262 54887 54887 5 0 10479 10490 11 10481.20 10481.20 4.40000 19.36000 0.0419799 52406 52406 5 0 415 415 0 415.0000 415.0000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2075 2075 5 0 376 377 1 376.8000 376.8000 0.4000000 0.1600000 0.1061571 1884 1884 5 0 0 10582 10582 2116.400 2116.400 4232.800 17916596 200.0000 10582 10582 5 0 1 2 1 1.200000 1.200000 0.400000 0.160000 33.33333 6 6
##  [1] "subc_id"                                         
##  [2] "bio1_1981.2010_data_cells"                       
##  [3] "bio1_1981.2010_nodata_cells"                     
##  [4] "bio1_1981.2010_min"                              
##  [5] "bio1_1981.2010_max"                              
##  [6] "bio1_1981.2010_range"                            
##  [7] "bio1_1981.2010_mean"                             
##  [8] "bio1_1981.2010_mean_abs"                         
##  [9] "bio1_1981.2010_sd"                               
## [10] "bio1_1981.2010_var"                              
## [11] "bio1_1981.2010_cv"                               
## [12] "bio1_1981.2010_sum"                              
## [13] "bio1_1981.2010_sum_abs"                          
## [14] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_data_cells"   
## [15] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_nodata_cells" 
## [16] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_min"          
## [17] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_max"          
## [18] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_range"        
## [19] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean"         
## [20] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean_abs"     
## [21] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd"           
## [22] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_var"          
## [23] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_cv"           
## [24] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum"          
## [25] "bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum_abs"      
## [26] "bio12_1981.2010_data_cells"                      
## [27] "bio12_1981.2010_nodata_cells"                    
## [28] "bio12_1981.2010_min"                             
## [29] "bio12_1981.2010_max"                             
## [30] "bio12_1981.2010_range"                           
## [31] "bio12_1981.2010_mean"                            
## [32] "bio12_1981.2010_mean_abs"                        
## [33] "bio12_1981.2010_sd"                              
## [34] "bio12_1981.2010_var"                             
## [35] "bio12_1981.2010_cv"                              
## [36] "bio12_1981.2010_sum"                             
## [37] "bio12_1981.2010_sum_abs"                         
## [38] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_data_cells"  
## [39] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_nodata_cells"
## [40] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_min"         
## [41] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_max"         
## [42] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_range"       
## [43] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean"        
## [44] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean_abs"    
## [45] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd"          
## [46] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_var"         
## [47] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_cv"          
## [48] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum"         
## [49] "bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum_abs"     
## [50] "bio15_1981.2010_data_cells"                      
## [51] "bio15_1981.2010_nodata_cells"                    
## [52] "bio15_1981.2010_min"                             
## [53] "bio15_1981.2010_max"                             
## [54] "bio15_1981.2010_range"                           
## [55] "bio15_1981.2010_mean"                            
## [56] "bio15_1981.2010_mean_abs"                        
## [57] "bio15_1981.2010_sd"                              
## [58] "bio15_1981.2010_var"                             
## [59] "bio15_1981.2010_cv"                              
## [60] "bio15_1981.2010_sum"                             
## [61] "bio15_1981.2010_sum_abs"                         
## [62] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_data_cells"  
## [63] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_nodata_cells"
## [64] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_min"         
## [65] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_max"         
## [66] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_range"       
## [67] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean"        
## [68] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean_abs"    
## [69] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd"          
## [70] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_var"         
## [71] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_cv"          
## [72] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum"         
## [73] "bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sum_abs"     
## [74] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_data_cells"                
## [75] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_nodata_cells"              
## [76] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_min"                       
## [77] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_max"                       
## [78] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_range"                     
## [79] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean"                      
## [80] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean_abs"                  
## [81] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sd"                        
## [82] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_var"                       
## [83] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_cv"                        
## [84] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sum"                       
## [85] "slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sum_abs"                   
## [86] "spi_data_cells"                                  
## [87] "spi_nodata_cells"                                
## [88] "spi_min"                                         
## [89] "spi_max"                                         
## [90] "spi_range"                                       
## [91] "spi_mean"                                        
## [92] "spi_mean_abs"                                    
## [93] "spi_sd"                                          
## [94] "spi_var"                                         
## [95] "spi_cv"                                          
## [96] "spi_sum"                                         
## [97] "spi_sum_abs"

We will keep only the mean and sd of each variable of the stats_table, to use them as predictors in the species distribution model

stats_table_zon <- stats_table_zon %>%
  dplyr::select(contains("subc") |  ends_with("_mean") | ends_with("_sd")) %>%
  rename('subcatchment_id' = 'subc_id')

Reading vector files

Read in the .gpkg databases of the two tiles, filtering only the sub-catchments of the study area. Their IDs can be retrieved from the stats_table

stats_gpkg_h08v06 <- read_geopackage(
  subc_id = stats_table_zon$subcatchment_id) %>%
  rename('subcatchment_id' = 'stream')

stats_gpkg_h10v06 <- read_geopackage(
  subc_id = stats_table_zon$subcatchment_id) %>%
  rename('subcatchment_id' = 'stream')

Then we join the two .gpkg databases and select the columns “subcatchment_id” and “length”. We will use the length of the stream as an indicator of the sub-catchment size

stats_gpkg <- rbind(stats_gpkg_h08v06, stats_gpkg_h10v06) %>%
  dplyr::select(c("subcatchment_id", "length"))

# Clear up memory
rm(stats_gpkg_h08v06, stats_gpkg_h10v06); gc()
##            used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb)  max used  (Mb)
## Ncells  4627996 247.2    8678052 463.5   7056390 376.9
## Vcells 27081171 206.7   83906542 640.2 104364691 796.3

Prepare data for modelling

Join the stats_table with the .gpkg database

stats_table <- left_join(stats_table_zon, stats_gpkg, by = "subcatchment_id")

The values in the original raster files were scaled, so we need to re-scale them before the modelling

We define the following functions:

slope_scale <- function(x, na.rm = F) (x * 0.000001)
clim_scale <- function(x, na.rm = F) (x * 0.1)
offset <- function(x, na.rm = F) (x - 273.15)

… and apply them to rescale the values

stats_table <- stats_table  %>%
  mutate(across(contains("slope_curv_max_dw_cel"), slope_scale)) %>%
  mutate(across(starts_with("bio"), clim_scale))  %>%
  mutate(across(matches("bio1_.*_mean"), offset))
subcatchment_id bio1_1981.2010_mean bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean bio12_1981.2010_mean bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean bio15_1981.2010_mean bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean spi_mean bio1_1981.2010_sd bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd bio12_1981.2010_sd bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd bio15_1981.2010_sd bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sd spi_sd length
399592461 25.45 27.35 1105.004 1054.623 41.47380 37.40225 -0.0024720 6.655367 0 0 1.7799709 1.381320 0.0965076 0.0623077 0.0120386 9.411190 3827.3302
399592865 25.45 27.35 1104.917 1054.572 41.41220 37.30610 -0.0039076 8.925926 0 0 0.9880758 0.819023 0.0478571 0.0239286 0.0129476 13.105251 2911.9507
399593700 25.45 27.35 1101.970 1052.042 41.45811 37.51757 -0.0011602 2.439189 0 0 1.4048016 1.155306 0.0805501 0.0380544 0.0071150 2.916000 1903.8027
399593701 25.45 27.35 1098.700 1049.000 41.50000 37.60000 -0.0020463 2.142857 0 0 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0042355 3.481731 1057.3782
399593817 25.45 27.35 1100.902 1050.990 41.47654 37.52160 -0.0022349 2.660494 0 0 1.4746614 1.224907 0.0716156 0.0411548 0.0090936 3.961487 2343.3823
399593818 25.45 27.35 1097.740 1048.120 41.50000 37.68000 0.0021164 1.200000 0 0 0.4800000 0.440000 0.0000000 0.0400000 0.0042328 0.400000 812.9898
subcatchment_id bio1_1981.2010_mean bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean bio12_1981.2010_mean bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean bio15_1981.2010_mean bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean spi_mean bio1_1981.2010_sd bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd bio12_1981.2010_sd bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd bio15_1981.2010_sd bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sd spi_sd length
399596764 25.45 27.35 1110.4 1054.3 41.8 36.6 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399597046 25.55 27.55 1362.3 1261.1 49.3 42.9 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399604194 25.35 27.35 1117.2 1059.8 42.9 38.9 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399607973 25.35 27.25 1130.5 1074.5 43.2 38.6 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399611470 25.35 27.25 1149.3 1086.0 44.5 39.0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399614825 25.45 27.45 1305.2 1207.6 50.2 43.9 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
subcatchment_id bio1_1981.2010_mean bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean bio12_1981.2010_mean bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean bio15_1981.2010_mean bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean spi_mean bio1_1981.2010_sd bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd bio12_1981.2010_sd bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd bio15_1981.2010_sd bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sd spi_sd length
399596764 25.45 27.35 1110.4 1054.3 41.8 36.6 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399597046 25.55 27.55 1362.3 1261.1 49.3 42.9 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399604194 25.35 27.35 1117.2 1059.8 42.9 38.9 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399607973 25.35 27.25 1130.5 1074.5 43.2 38.6 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399611470 25.35 27.25 1149.3 1086.0 44.5 39.0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0
399614825 25.45 27.45 1305.2 1207.6 50.2 43.9 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0

If we check the IDs of the sub-catchments that have null values for both variables, we observe that they are identical:

stats_table[$spi_mean),]$subcatchment_id == stats_table[$slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean),]$subcatchment_id

This happens because the variables are not defined for a few single-pixel sub-catchments, which are outlets. We will remove these sub-catchments, as the model will not be able to handle the no data values.

stats_table <- stats_table[!$slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean),]

We split the dataset into two datasets, according to present and future Bioclim variables. The first will be used in the training of the model and the second in the prediction of future suitable habitats

stats_table_present <- stats_table %>%
  dplyr::select(!contains("IPSL")) %>%
  rename(bio1_mean = bio1_1981.2010_mean,
         bio1_sd = bio1_1981.2010_sd,
         bio12_mean = bio12_1981.2010_mean,
         bio12_sd = bio12_1981.2010_sd,
         bio15_mean = bio15_1981.2010_mean,
         bio15_sd = bio15_1981.2010_sd)

stats_table_future <- stats_table %>%
  dplyr::select(!contains("1981")) %>%
  rename(bio1_mean = bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean,
         bio1_sd = bio1_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd,
         bio12_mean = bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean,
         bio12_sd = bio12_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd,
         bio15_mean = bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_mean,
         bio15_sd = bio15_IPSL.CM6A.LR_ssp370_2041.2070_sd)

# Clear up memory
# rm(stats_table) ; gc()

The classification model needs at least two classes, in this case presences and absences. We will sample 10,000 random sub-catchments that will be used as pseudoabsences in the model. The filtering that takes place before the sampling assures that we will avoid sampling sub-catchments with known presences of the species

pseudoabs <- stats_table_present %>%
  filter(!subcatchment_id %in% spdata_ids$subcatchment_id) %>%
subcatchment_id bio1_mean bio12_mean bio15_mean slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean spi_mean bio1_sd bio12_sd bio15_sd slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sd spi_sd length
422793305 26.55000 1120.400 55.80000 -0.0008033 39.333333 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0011366 54.920144 126.7398
422488755 25.45000 1350.133 49.20000 -0.0038440 24.666667 0.000000 0.4988877 0.0000000 0.0109126 35.039660 276.8501
422753760 26.05000 1151.571 53.88571 -0.0131156 16.285714 0.000000 2.1345553 0.0349927 0.0197631 26.751311 253.2769
399918893 25.25000 1253.100 58.10000 -0.0015966 6.076923 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0029588 12.733732 383.5098
422721349 26.15000 1227.500 61.20000 -0.0096218 52.250000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0151893 90.499655 126.5705
422551000 23.77075 1725.443 64.49623 -0.0264115 1.490566 0.048984 1.4541430 0.0581548 0.0559768 1.632484 814.5358

We join the species occurrences with the present environmental variables table

presence <- left_join(spdata_ids, stats_table_present, by = "subcatchment_id")

We then join the predictors of the presences and those of the pseudoabsences, to obtain the modelling data table

data_model <- data.table::rbindlist(list(presence, pseudoabs), fill = TRUE)

Define a binary column of presence-absence (0-1) and set it to factor

data_model$occurrence <- ifelse(!$occurrence_ID), 1, 0)
data_model$occurrence <- as.factor(data_model$occurrence)
longitude latitude occurrence_ID subcatchment_id bio1_mean bio12_mean bio15_mean slope_curv_max_dw_cel_mean spi_mean bio1_sd bio12_sd bio15_sd slope_curv_max_dw_cel_sd spi_sd length occurrence
-75.73 20.01 107705340 422886180 25.73519 1250.785 52.50000 -0.0324294 59.8148148 0.0755410 4.513577 0.0000000 0.0783162 123.190018 388.5433 1
-75.37 20.40 107705519 422816272 24.53667 1866.747 47.82667 -0.0349241 7.2666667 0.0339935 0.883830 0.0679869 0.0576330 6.677990 434.9116 1
-75.78 20.50 107705533 422801107 22.37000 1819.280 52.28000 -0.0280889 1.8666667 0.0400000 2.560000 0.0400000 0.0361340 1.746107 300.6135 1
-77.03 20.20 107705535 422851157 26.35000 1401.500 58.50000 -0.0020064 0.3571429 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0026065 0.610286 311.3841 1
-74.81 20.44 107705546 422809465 24.39706 2527.112 27.59706 -0.0927082 132.1470588 0.0882353 25.733450 0.1524029 0.1779599 307.500371 514.4451 1
-75.76 20.09 107705657 422872031 24.95000 1441.100 53.60000 -0.1552392 53.7500000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.1703503 88.485521 126.9131 1

In this step, there are two alternatives: Either we split the data into train and test sets:

#obtain stratified training sample
train_idx <- sample(nrow(data_model), 2/3 * nrow(data_model))
data_train <- data_model[train_idx, ]
data_test <- data_model[-train_idx, ]

…or we use the whole dataset as the training set, since RF performs intrinsic evaluation in every tree

data_train <- data_model

A simple SDM using Random Forest

We will use the ranger random forest (RF) algorithm (Wright & Ziegler, 2017) to build a species distribution model. Random forest can handle huge quantities of data and is therefore scalable to larger datasets. As our dataset is highly imbalanced towards the pseudo-absence data, we will apply the down-sampling method for presence-only data in the modelling process (Valavi et al., 2021). Down-sampling works by balancing the training data, which contain significantly more absence that presence points. Following this approach, the classification-RF model will use the same number of pseudo-absences as presence points in each classification tree, by sampling with replacement (bootstrapping) from the full pseudo-absence set (Valavi et al., 2021).

Let’s define the sample size of each classification tree as a proportion of the whole training set, based on the number of presences.

# number of presence records:
pres_num <- as.numeric(table(data_train$occurrence)["1"])
sample_size <- c("0" = pres_num / nrow(data_train),
                 "1" = pres_num / nrow(data_train))
##           0           1 
## 0.004281589 0.004281589

Run and inspect the model.

model <- ranger(data_train$occurrence ~ .,
                 data = data_train[, 6:14],
                 num.trees = 1000,
                 mtry= 6,
                 replace = T,
                 sample.fraction = sample_size,
                 oob.error = T,
                 keep.inbag = T,
                 num.threads = 4,
                 importance ='impurity',
                 probability = T)

## Ranger result
## Call:
##  ranger(data_train$occurrence ~ ., data = data_train[, 6:14],      num.trees = 1000, mtry = 6, replace = T, sample.fraction = sample_size,      oob.error = T, keep.inbag = T, num.threads = 4, importance = "impurity",      probability = T) 
## Type:                             Probability estimation 
## Number of trees:                  1000 
## Sample size:                      10043 
## Number of independent variables:  9 
## Mtry:                             6 
## Target node size:                 10 
## Variable importance mode:         impurity 
## Splitrule:                        gini 
## OOB prediction error (Brier s.):  0.08995676

The model can be evaluated based on the OOB prediction error. This metric lies on the fact that the data points that are not used in training a tree can be used to test the tree. The errors on the OOB samples are called the out-of-bag errors.

Model prediction

We will predict to the table of all the sub-catchments across Cuba, including the future Bioclim variables.

pred <- predict(model, data = stats_table_future[,!1])

We can now reclassify the sub-catchment raster based on the predicted probabilities of occurrence, to visualise the potential suitable habitats of the species. For this purpose we will use the ‘reclass_raster’ function. The function requires a table with the reclassification rules (i.e., subc_id = predicted_occurrence), the values of which need to be integers.

First, let’s join the probabilities of presence in each sub-catchment with the corresponding sub-catchment IDs, to create a table with reclassification rules

prediction <- data.table(subcatchment_id = stats_table_future$subcatchment_id,
                         pred_occur = as.numeric(pred$predictions[,2]))
##    subcatchment_id pred_occur
## 1:       399592461 0.02508095
## 2:       399592865 0.02323095
## 3:       399593700 0.03909881
## 4:       399593701 0.03078929
## 5:       399593817 0.02586667
## 6:       399593818 0.08412738

and multiply the probability values by 100, to convert them to integers

prediction$pred_occur <- as.integer(round(prediction$pred_occur, 2) * 100)

We can now reclassify the sub-catchment raster

  data = prediction,
  rast_val = "subcatchment_id",
  new_val = "pred_occur",
  raster_layer = paste0(layer_dir, "/sub_catchment.tif"),
  recl_layer = paste0(wdir, "/prediction.tif"),
  read = FALSE)

Let’s plot the future habitat suitability map, and add the presence points

# Define colour palette
num_pal <- colorNumeric(
  , domain = prediction$pred_occur
  , na.color = "transparent"

p <- leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>%
  setMaxBounds(bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[4]) %>%
  file = paste0(wdir, "/prediction.tif"), opacity = 1,
   colorOptions = colorOptions(
                  palette = hcl.colors(256, palette = "inferno"),
                  na.color = "transparent"
                  ) # read external raster file without loading it to R
  ) %>%
  leaflet::addCircles(data = spdata_vect, color = "turquoise", stroke = TRUE, # data = spdata
                      weight = 5, opacity = 1) %>% # add points
  addLegend(pal = num_pal,
           values = prediction$pred_occur,
           labels = palette(),
           title = "Future habitat suitability map</br>for Hypolestes trinitatis",
           position = "bottomleft", opacity = 1, labFormat = labelFormat(suffix = "%"))  # add a legend


If we zoom in to the habitat suitability map, we can observe the sub-catchments that could offer a suitable habitat to the species in a more detailed view.


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