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Subset a basin or catchment into up to nine smaller sub-basins following the Pfafstetter basin delineation scheme. The functions takes a network graph as the input and splits it into smaller sub-basins following a hierarchical topological coding scheme (see Verdin & Verdin (1999) for details), using the flow accumulation as the basis. The user has to define the sub-catchment (stream segment) ID that serves as the outlet of the basin. Note that this can be any stream segment that has an upstream catchment. The input graph can be created with read_geopackage() and get_catchment_graph().


  data_table = FALSE,
  n_cores = NULL



igraph object. A directed graph of a basin with one outlet. The outlet can be any stream / sub-catchment for which the upstream basin should be split into smaller sub-basins. The input graph can be created with read_geopackage() and get_catchment_graph().


character. Full path to the sub-catchment raster file of the basin. Does not need to be cropped / masked to the basin, but the IDs of the sub-catchments need to match with those in the input graph.


character. The path of the output directory where the Pfafstetter raster layer will be written. Only needed when data.table=FALSE.


character. The filename and extension of the Pfafstetter raster layer (e.g. 'pfafstetter_raster.tif"). Only needed when data.table=FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE, then the result will be loaded into R as a 2-column data.table (sub-catchment ID and Pfafstetter code). If FALSE, the result is loaded as a raster (terra object) in R and written to disk. Default is FALSE.


numeric. Number of cores used for parallelisation. Default is NULL (= detectCores(logical=FALSE)-1). Optional.


Either a data.table, or a raster (terra object) loaded into R. In case the result is a raster, then a .tif file is written to disk.


You can use the online map at to identify an ID of a stream segment (use the "Stream segment ID" layer to the left)


Verdin, K.L. & Verdin, J.P. (1999). A topological system for delineation and codification of the Earth’s river basins. Journal of Hydrology, 218(1-2), 1-12. doi:10.1016/s0022-1694(99)00011-6

See also

read_geopackage() and get_catchment_graph.() to create the input graph.


Sami Domisch


# Download test data into the temporary R folder
# or define a different directory
my_directory <- tempdir()

# Import the stream network as a graph
# Load stream network as a graph
my_graph <- read_geopackage(gpkg = paste0(my_directory,
                           import_as = "graph")

# Subset the graph such that it contains only one basin. You can use
# a random ID, i.e. it does not need to be the real outlet of the basin.
g_subset <- get_catchment_graph(g = my_graph,
                         subc_id = "513867227",
                         outlet = FALSE,
                         mode = "in",
                         as_graph = TRUE)

# Specify the sub-catchment raster file
subc_raster <- paste0(my_directory,"/hydrography90m_test_data",

# Specify the output directory
out_dir <- my_directory

# Calculate the Pfafstetter sub-basins and write the raster layer to disk (
# and import into R)
pfafstetter <- get_pfafstetter_basins(g = g_subset ,
                                      subc_raster = subc_raster,
                                      out_dir = out_dir,
                                      file_name = "pfafstetter_raster.tif",
                                      data_table = FALSE,
                                      n_cores = 4)