Authors and Citation
Marlene Schürz. Author, maintainer.
Afroditi Grigoropoulou. Author.
Jaime Garcia Marquez. Author.
Yusdiel Torres Cambas. Author.
Christoph Schürz. Author.
Mathieu Floury. Author.
Thomas Tomiczek. Author.
Vanessa Bremerich. Author.
Giuseppe Amatulli. Author.
Sami Domisch. Author.
Source: inst/CITATION
Schürz M, Grigoropoulou A, Márquez JG, Torres-Cambas Y, Tomiczek T, Floury M, Bremerich V, Schürz C, Amatulli G, Grossart H, Domisch S (2023). “hydrographr: An R package for scalable hydrographic data processing.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 0(0), 1-11. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14226.
@Article{, title = {hydrographr: An R package for scalable hydrographic data processing}, author = {Marlene Schürz and Afroditi Grigoropoulou and Jaime García Márquez and Yusdiel Torres-Cambas and Thomas Tomiczek and Mathieu Floury and Vanessa Bremerich and Christoph Schürz and Giuseppe Amatulli and Hans-Peter Grossart and Sami Domisch}, journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, year = {2023}, volume = {0}, number = {0}, pages = {1-11}, doi = {}, }